My detox will charm anyone looking for a sustainable lifestyle change, without dieting or calorie counting. Each week is exciting, as I propose a new habit that's easy to integrate, enjoyable, powerful and effective, and immediately delivers the benefits you want.
A detox is a boost, an accelerated start to physical, mental and emotional well-being. All of this is accompanied by a tenfold increase in energy, recuperative sleep and an incredibly wonderful quality of life.
Get ready for greater happiness.
- Jacynthe
Every week, a new habit
Discover our 3-month program

Basic Menu
Jacynthe's menu will remain the guiding thread and is interchangeable, adjustable - these are modular reference lines.

Morning Routine
In the morning, electrolytes, lemon juice and essential fibers make all the difference.

As a first-meal guide, a gourmet plant-based protein shake. Satisfying and creamy, thanks to our cocoa, which helps us find the energy we're looking for right from the first meal.

We follow with a Fountain of Youth at lunchtime. Green and hydrolyzed marine collagen that will be wonderful for skin and hair. All accompanied by a gourmet salad where every bite is succulent.

For supper, discover a list of delicious recipes that include legumes, excellent sources of fiber and protein.

My Essentials
As much for the cosmetic aspect as for general health & anti-aging, discover the supplements I take throughout the day that make the difference for me.
Time to Begin!
The idea behind detox is to take the time to pamper ourselves, to combine pleasure tenfold with our lifestyle.
Wishing you this exciting adventure and ever-multiplying energy!

The System
For the first week of detox, we release, activate and relieve our system, which can then also assimilate better. Here's our duo for a flat stomach, made with extraordinary Essential Fibers (combined with hibiscus) and L'Ami, an intestinal muscle activator. We include our Fresh Aloe Vera Juice to relieve inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. Find out more

Energy - Part 1
Here's the drink you want: La Fontaine de Jouvence, to nourish your body, restore your energy and help you function better. It has single-handedly changed the lives of thousands of people with its three approved health products. Hydrolyzed marine collagen makes a difference to skin, hair and joints. MCT oil helps us produce energy. And finally, our Complet, an incredible source of antioxidants. It not only makes a difference, it's delicious and refreshing! Find out more

Digestion - Part 1
This week, we're incorporating the Detox Liver supplement to help and support liver functions and probiotics that contribute to healthy natural intestinal flora. We're adding my essential, dry brushing for beautiful skin and increased well-being: I've been doing it every day since 2018 and I couldn't do without it. Find out more

Digestion - Part 2
Our plant-based proteins are life-changing. This is how I start my mornings. It's my breakfast. So tasty. So satisfying. So energizing. Our blends mimic the amino acid profile of whey, with all the benefits of whey, but in a highly digestible, plant-based version. Find out more

Basic Supplements
Health specialists agree that we need certain supplements and vitamins, such as omega-3 and vitamin D, to function properly. These alone will make a huge difference in your daily life. At Maison Jacynthe, we also offer two sets of vitamins and minerals so that you can experience the impact of these natural health products on your well-being, your energy and your quality of life. Find out more

Metabolic Health
Here I present two natural health products to support metabolic health, specifically sugar and fat metabolism. Gluconig slows sugar absorption thanks to a home-grown innovation. Metabzen, on the other hand, supports overall metabolism with a beneficial effect, particularly on the liver, which not only helps to manage sugars, but also promotes healthy fats. Find out more

Energy - Part 2
This week, we're multiplying our energy! I start my day with a pipette of electrolytes in my first glass of water, to really hydrate myself and make a difference to my energy. Then I follow up with my tonic juice made with lemon juice, turmeric root and ginger root to wake up my stomach. Our B Complex formula is distinguished by its active version. It supports energy production. Our Camu Camu can easily be added to smoothies and drinks, and we like it because it's naturally rich in vitamin C. Find out more

Good Fats
When you want to eat well, you have to focus on good fats, among other things. But what are they? Here's a wonderful and delicious selection for you to discover and enjoy. All our snacks are made with plant proteins and good fats. In addition, I like to add olive oil to my salad with apple cider vinegar, which also has a scientifically studied impact on health. I also suggest the extraordinarily rich avocado oil I use in my pastries, where I also add protein. Finally, I also present my delicious argan oil, which has been studied for its beneficial effect on bad fats. Recipe ideas

What could be more important than quality sleep? Let me introduce you to our sleep aids. For restlessness or insomnia, and to help soothe nervousness, Dodo Powder, formulated by a pharmacist, is delicious in a little warm water. Our magnesium has been an eye-opener for me. In the evening, I'm completely relaxed. Our Melatonin is perfect for restoring a proper circadian rhythm, and I personally appreciate it as an anti-aging tool. We all deserve the most relaxing sleep. Find out more

Le stress
This week, I'm helping you deal with stress by offering you some amazing medicinal plants that act as adaptogens. Grouped together in the Menopause Formula, they make all the difference from day one, helping to boost energy, mental focus and, above all, resistance to stress. To enhance longevity over the long term, Jiaogulan is a delicious drink. Of course, there's our marvellous matcha, with its great taste and lack of bitterness, for a change from coffee. Finally, there's our green tea extract, approved as a source of antioxidants. Find out more

Physical Performance
When it comes to the immediate effects of hydrogen on our well-being, simply dropping it into a 4 oz. glass of water brings us amazing comfort. Obviously here, for creatine, the effect on muscle mass is very gratifying. I know what I'm talking about! It keeps our muscle cells hydrated, making it easier to assimilate the nutrients we take in. It's as if we were multiplying their benefits for a small price! Find out more

Focus, Skin, Sight & Heart
We've put the finishing touches to extraordinary formulas to make a difference to your concentration and focus with Focus, to your skin with Selenium, to your eyesight with Astaxanthin and to your heart with Coenzyme Q10. Try it without hesitation, you'll understand! Find out more

Le sommeil
Je m'occupe maintenant de votre sommeil. La poudre dodo favorise justement l'endormissement le soir et un sommeil récupérateur sans se réveiller la nuit. Ainsi, on se réveille le matin frais et dispo. Il y a le magnésium qui fut révélateur pour moi. Le soir, je suis complètement relaxe et détendu. Enfin, il y a la mélatonine que je prend comme anti-âge. On la prend 20 minutes avant d'aller se coucher et le tour est joué. Nous méritons tous un sommeil des plus relaxant.

Le stress
J’ai envie qu’on aborde maintenant le stress à l’aide des adaptogènes. Ceux-ci vont vous aider à faire face au stress et à être plus zen. Remarquez les bienfaits de notre première formule dès la première journée. Celle-ci est l'allier des femmes. Puis, il y a le chyavanaprash qui regroupe des plantes ayurvédiques. Sur le long termes, pour s’aider il y a le Jiaogulan qui est une boisson délicieuse. Évidement, il y a notre merveilleux matcha au bon goût sans amertume pour faire changement du café. Enfin, il y a notre extrait de thé vert qui est homologué comme source d'antioxydant. En savoir plus

Le sommeil
Je m'occupe maintenant de votre sommeil. La poudre dodo favorise justement l'endormissement le soir et un sommeil récupérateur sans se réveiller la nuit. Ainsi, on se réveille le matin frais et dispo. Il y a le magnésium qui fut révélateur pour moi. Le soir, je suis complètement relaxe et détendu. Enfin, il y a la mélatonine que je prend comme anti-âge. On la prend 20 minutes avant d'aller se coucher et le tour est joué. Nous méritons tous un sommeil des plus relaxant.

Le stress
J’ai envie qu’on aborde maintenant le stress à l’aide des adaptogènes. Ceux-ci vont vous aider à faire face au stress et à être plus zen. Remarquez les bienfaits de notre première formule dès la première journée. Celle-ci est l'allier des femmes. Puis, il y a le chyavanaprash qui regroupe des plantes ayurvédiques. Sur le long termes, pour s’aider il y a le Jiaogulan qui est une boisson délicieuse. Évidement, il y a notre merveilleux matcha au bon goût sans amertume pour faire changement du café. Enfin, il y a notre extrait de thé vert qui est homologué comme source d'antioxydant. En savoir plus