Électrolytes - Minéral Drop 4 oz
Mineral drop
4 oz
NPN 80041396
This product contains traces of 70 naturally occurring minerals and trace elements as found in the Great Salt Lake, an Inland Sea.
Medicinal ingredients:
Concentrated desalinated Inland Sea water (8.0% Magnesium) …. 0.3963 ml
Potassium Chloride (52.4% Potassium) …………………………...…………….. 224 mg
Sea Salt (1.0% Magnesium) ...…………………………………………..…….….. 1.2778 ml
Masse (mg)
Recommended use or purpose:
- Magnesium helps the body metabolize carbohydrates, proteins and fats, and contributes to the development and maintenance of bones and teeth, tissue formation and muscle function.
- A source of magnesium and potassium for the maintenance of good health.
Recommended dose (Adults): Mix 1 capful with 1 L of fluid and consume as needed during strenuous exercise.
Caution and Warning: For adults use only.
Maison Jacynthe disclaims all liability. All the information contained on this page is not intended to substitute for justified allopathic treatment, nor to disregard the expertise of the medical profession. It is up to each individual to take charge of his or her own health, to inform him or herself and to make the necessary changes to improve his or her condition. Therapeutic supervision by a qualified health professional is obviously suggested.