Here is what the eminent Dr. Bernard Jensen says about it:
"Dry brushing the skin is the best of all baths. No soap can clean and make the skin as fresh as the new skin hidden beneath the old. The skin regenerates every 24 hours. Dry brushing the skin removes the old layer of skin. This helps eliminate uric acid crystals, catarrh, and other acids from the body. The skin should normally eliminate up to 2 pounds of bodily waste per day”.
Our skin, the largest living organ in the body, is multifunctional: one of its functions is to eliminate bodily waste. Dry brushing the skin every day increases pore activity. This process is very effective and removes more harmful materials than water and soap.
Why brush your skin regularly?
1. Brushing helps stimulate and increase blood circulation in the underlying organs and tissues, thereby helping your body to discharge metabolic waste.
2. It revitalizes by increasing the elimination capacity and also helping your skin to breathe because it removes dead skin cells and allows the opening of clogged pores. Without dry brushing, dead skin cells can simply accumulate on the skin.
3. Dry brushing stimulates lymphatic circulation. We all know how important it is to keep the lymph moving!
4. It helps reduce cellulite. Cellulite is the result of toxic waste accumulated in the fat cells of your body. Dry brushing helps the body detoxify more effectively.
5. It stimulates hormones and reproductive oil glands, keeping pores open while allowing the skin to retain its natural oils.
6. It has a revitalizing effect on the nervous system by stimulating the underlying nerves of the skin.
7. It improves muscle toning and the proper distribution of fat deposits.
8. It improves the complexion of the skin; it refreshes and rejuvenates while making the skin soft and silky.
9. It improves overall health and also helps in the prevention of premature aging.
How to proceed?
In the morning, to energize, tone, and thus wake up, before taking a shower, use a natural bristle brush to brush your skin (available here) in circular motions starting from the top of your feet towards your torso, then from your fingers towards your chest.
In the evening, it helps to relax after a busy day. Follow it up with a shower or a warm bath, and the night's sleep will be excellent.
You want to work in the same direction as the flow of lymph, which is towards the heart.
Be cautious with sensitive areas like the breasts. The more you brush regularly, the less sensitive your skin will become. Once you're done brushing, hop in the shower to get rid of dead skin cells! It's easy and quick, 2-3 minutes! Dry brushing, an added bonus to include in your daily routine.
Please note that to properly maintain the dry body brush, made from plant fibers, it is important that it never gets wet, otherwise it will lose its properties.
Some restrictions
- Avoid sensitive areas: skin eruptions, wounds, cuts, infections.
- Avoid on wounds, varicose veins, sunburns, tumors.
- Finally, avoid brushing on a body that is too hot or too cold.
Dry cleaning the brush: each week, you can hold it over a wastebasket and brush it with a toothbrush or even a hairbrush that you designate solely for this purpose.
And dry brushing the face...
Like a scrub, dry brushing the face helps eliminate dead skin cells and renew cells, but also to get rid of accumulated toxins. A natural detox effect that indeed helps to get rid of impurities that cause some small blemishes. But be careful to be gentler on the face, to avoid stimulating sebum production, especially if you have oily or problematic skin. To learn more about facial brushing, how to brush it, and how to maintain your brush, here is the link that will introduce you to our wonderful and gentle brush!
A skin that breathes fully is a healthy skin!