Ritual to begin, without essentiel oil

In stock
Grouped product items
Product Name Qty
Huile Nettoyante facial cleansing oil
Eau Florale de Rose - Natural toner
Sublimateur - Hyaluronic acid
Neutre Serum - For sensitive skin
Kukui Moisturizer

Ritual to begin, without essential oil

What to begin with? Perfect for pregnant women!


Eau florale de rose

Bulgarian rose water with an opulent and intoxicating scent and subtle flights of sugar and lemon. A major anti-wrinkle for mature skin. With her, care rhymes with love for oneself!


Hyaluronic acid is commonly used in beauty products because of its moisturizing, plumping and youthful glow properties. In an orange floral water base, it is suitable for all skin types, even the most fragile, and is used as a moisturizing precursor before the finishing serum.

Sérum neutre

The neutral serum is specially designed for sensitive and reactive skin—fresh virgin vegetable oils from respectful culture. Cold pressed, without any additives or aromatic essence, they offer you the best nature for your gentle care, thus bringing healthy-looking skin and a feeling of well-being. A caress for fragile skin!

Mousseline Kukui

Kukui Mousseline with vanilla, for women princesses, because kukui oil is among the most expensive in the world, overpricing! As much for fragile and aged skin who want an anti-aging effect.

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Ritual to begin, without essentiel oil