Coenzyme Q10 – Powerful antioxidant

Written by: L'équipe Maison Jacynthe
Published on: August 8, 2023
Coenzyme Q10 – Powerful antioxidant


Coenzyme Q10 – Powerful antioxidant 


  • Provides a powerful antioxidant that promotes energy production, muscle and heart strength, which helps improve the ability to cope with oxidative stress and reduce shortness of breath.1,2,3,4,5,6,7 
  • Helps reduce the frequency of migraines and accompanying nausea and vomiting when taken as a prophylactic/preventive measure.8,9,10,11

Its role

Coenzyme activates energy production at the cellular level, acting like a vitamin in the body. It is an essential antioxidant for energy production. It helps maintain and/or support cardiovascular health by helping to reduce blood pressure. It is also considered a good protector of the body against damage caused by free radicals. As its production reduces with age, its intake may protect the brain from degenerative conditions.11,12

Many people using statins often complain of muscle problems and joint pain. A 2013 study, appearing in JAMA Internal Medicine, indicated that these different effects could be the direct cause of an “inhibitory effect on the synthesis of coenzyme Q10, the synthesis of selenoprotein and the mitochondrial respiratory chain”. 13

Here, the results observed in this study suggest that coenzyme Q10 supplementation may reduce muscle pain associated with statin treatment. 14

And the results of another study, report that coenzyme Q10 effectively reduces mild to moderate statin-related muscle symptoms, leading to less interference of statin-related muscle symptoms with daily activities.15


A word from our specialist: “Coenzyme Q10: is it a relevant anti-aging supplement?’’ 

The main indication of coenzyme Q10 is its action in our cells for energy production (mitochondria). In this context, its anti-aging aspect is interesting, as well as for chronic fatigue and for heart diseases. It is also documented in neurological diseases. It is a molecule that we produce naturally, precisely by the mitochondria, the energy factories of our cells. As we age and with certain illnesses like heart failure, we produce less of it, which causes problems. Cholesterol medications, statins, reduce the production of coenzyme Q10. The problem with coenzyme Q10 in Quebec, and only in Quebec, is that it is a substance which, by regulation, is under the control of the pharmacist. Everywhere else, it is a natural product or even a food. If a person has neuropathy, “needle” pain in the fingertips, strange sensations, anesthesia where there is no longer any sensation, coenzyme Q10 will be part of the cocktail of products to restart nerve conduction.



1. Kalpravidh RW, Wichit A, Siritanaratkul N, Fucharoen S.  Effect of coenzyme Q10 as an antioxidant in β-thalassemia/Hb E patients.  BioFactors 2005;25(1-4):225-234

2. Rosenfeldt F, Marasco S, Lyon W, Wowk M, Sheeran F, Bailey M, Esmore D, Davis B, Pick A, Rabinov M, Smith J, Nagley P, Pepe S.  Coenzyme Q10 therapy before cardiac surgery improves mitochondrial function and in vitro contractility of myocardial tissue.  Journal of Thoracic Cardiovascular Surgery 2005;129(1):25-32.

3. Crane FL.  Biochemical functions of coenzyme Q10.  Journal of the American College of Nutrition 2001;20(6):591-598.

4. Chello M, Mastroroberto P, Romano R, Bevacqua E, Pantaleo D, Ascione R, Marchese AR, Spampinato N.  Protection by Coenzyme Q10 from myocardial reperfusion injury during coronary artery bypass grafting.  Annals of Thoracic Surgery 1994;58(5):1427-1432.

5. Baggio E, Gandini R, Plancher AC, Passeri M, Carmosino G.  Italian multicenter study on the safety and efficacy of coenzyme Q10 as adjunctive therapy in heart failure. CoQ10 Drug Surveillance Investigators.  Molecular Aspects of Medicine 1994;15(Supplement 1): S287-S294.

6. Langsjoen PH, Folkers K, Lyson K, Muratsu K, Lyson T, Langsjoen P.  Effective and safe therapy with coenzyme Q10 for cardiomyopathy.  Klinische Wochenschrift 1988;66(13):583-590.

7. Rosenfeldt FL, Haas SJ, Krum H, Hadj A, Ng K, Leong JY, Watts GF.  Coenzyme Q10 in the treatment of hypertension: a meta-analysis of the clinical trials.  Journal of Human Hypertension 2007;21(4):297-306.

8. Hershey AD, Powers SW, Vockell AL, Lecates SL, Ellinor PL, Segers A, Burdine D, Manning P, Kabbouche MA.  Coenzyme Q10 deficiency and response to supplementation in pediatric and adolescent migraine.  Headache 2007;47(1):73-80.

9. Sandor PS, Di Clemente L, Coppola G, Saenger U, Fumal A, Magis D, Seidel L, Agosti RM, Schoenen J.  Efficacy of coenzyme Q10 in migraine prophylaxis: a randomized controlled trial.  Neurology 2005;64(4):713-715.

10. Rozen TD, Oshinsky ML, Gebeline CA, Bradley KC, Young WB, Shechter AL, Silberstein SD.  Open label trial of coenzyme Q10 as a migraine preventative.  Cephalgia 2002;22(2):137-141.

11. Janson M. Orthomolecular medicine: the therapeutic use of dietary supplements for anti-aging. Clin Interv Aging. 2006;1(3):261-5. doi: 10.2147/ciia.2006.1.3.261. PMID: 18046879; PMCID: PMC2695174.

12. Shults CW, Oakes D, Kieburtz K, Beal MF, Haas R, Plumb S, Juncos JL, Nutt J, Shoulson I, Carter J, Kompoliti K, Perlmutter JS, Reich S, Stern M, Watts RL, Kurlan R, Molho E, Harrison M, Lew M; Parkinson Study Group. Effects of coenzyme Q10 in early Parkinson disease: evidence of slowing of the functional decline. Arch Neurol. 2002 Oct;59(10):1541-50. doi: 10.1001/archneur.59.10.1541. PMID: 12374491.

13. Mansi I, Frei CR, Pugh MJ, Makris U, Mortensen EM. Statins and Musculoskeletal Conditions, Arthropathies, and Injuries. JAMA Intern Med. 2013;173(14):1318–1326. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2013.618414.

14. Caso G, Kelly P, McNurlan MA, Lawson WE. Effect of coenzyme q10 on myopathic symptoms in patients treated with statins. Am J Cardiol. 2007 May 15;99(10):1409-12. doi: 10.1016/j.amjcard.2006.12.063. Epub 2007 Apr 3. PMID: 17493470.

15. Skarlovnik A, Janić M, Lunder M, Turk M, Šabovič M. Coenzyme Q10 supplementation decreases statin-related mild-to-moderate muscle symptoms: a randomized clinical study. Med Sci Monit. 2014 Nov 6;20:2183-8. doi: 10.12659/MSM.890777. PMID: 25375075; PMCID: PMC4226312.


Warning: Maison Jacynthe disclaims all responsibilities. The information contained on this page does not seek to substitute a justified allopathic treatment nor to dismiss the expertise of the medical profession. It is up to each individual to take charge of their health, to inform themselves, and to make the necessary changes to improve their condition. Therapeutic supervision by a qualified healthcare professional is obviously recommended.

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